Senin, 18 Juni 2012

the role of computers in business

As we have seen, the benefits of computers very much, some examples are playing games, listening to music, doing coursework, etc.. Moreover, the computer is equipped with internet, there will be more benefits that we can. One was for business and business. Through the internet we can promote a product or service that we want to sell. In addition to promoting the goods or services on the internet, the computer is also very influential in the field of business and business in the real world. Because now the computer has become a necessity for the smooth in running a business or a business. Computers and the Internet as two things can not be separated in running the business and the business. Due to the use of a computer all operations can be done easily, quickly and accurately. Computers and the internet is like the blood that flows in the body of a company, they are stopped or impeded the company's system will be worn.

Import and export

Import and export

Understanding / Definition of Export and Import As well as its activities

Activity of selling goods or services referred to export to other countries, while the activities of purchasing goods or services from other countries are called imports, such activity will generate income for the country. Foreign exchange is the influx of foreign money kenegara we can use to pay for its purchases of imports and services from abroad.

Import activities undertaken to meet the needs of the people. Imported products are goods that can not be produced or existing state can be generated, but can not meet people's needs.

A. Export and import products from countries Indonesia

In general, exports and imports of products can be divided into two, namely oil and gas goods and non-oil goods. Goods and oil and gas or petroleum gas is a form of mineral oil and gas. Non-oil goods are items yangukan of oil and gas, such as plantation, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and mining are not the result of oil and gas.

A. Indonesia's export products

Indonesia's export products include the products of agriculture, forestry, fishery, mining, industrial products and services as are well.

a. Agricultural

Examples of rubber, coffee, palm oil, clove, tea, pepper, quinine, tobacco and chocolate.

b. Forest Products

Examples of wood and rattan. Exports of wood or cane should not be in the form of logs or raw materials, but in the form of semi-finished goods and finished goods, like furniture.

c. Fisheries

Fishery that many of the export is the result of the sea. exports of fishery products, including tuna fish, tuna, shrimp and milkfish.

d. Mining Results

Examples of minerals are in the export of tin, aluminum, coal, copper and gold.

e. Industry Results

Examples of cement, fertilizer, textiles, and apparel.

f. Service

In the service sector, Indonesia send workers abroad, among others, to Malaysia and middle east countries.

2. Product Import Indonesia

Indonesian imports of consumer goods and raw materials and auxiliary materials material capital. Consumer goods are goods that are used to meet daily needs, like food, drinks, milk, butter, rice, and meat. raw materials and auxiliary materials are items needed for industrial activities either as a raw material or support material, such as paper, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and motor vehicles.

Capital goods are goods that are used for working capital such as machinery, spare parts, computers, aircraft, and heavy equipment. Indonesia imported products in the form of agricultural products, among others, rice, wheat, soybeans and fruits. Indonesia imported products in the form of livestock products such as meat and milk.

Indonesia imported products in the form of the lan is the result of mining petroleum and gas, Indonesia imported products in the form of barng industries include electronic goods, chemicals, vehicles. services in Indonesia to bring experts from abroad.

B. Activities of the exchange of goods and services between Indonesia and overseas

In general, the exchange of goods and services between one country to another is done in other forms of cooperation:

A. Bilateral Cooperation

bilateral cooperation is cooperation by both countries in exchange barangdan services.

2. Regional cooperation

regional cooperation is the cooperation that carried two or more countries that are in a particular area or region.

3. Multilateral cooperation

multilateral cooperation is the cooperation that carried by the two countries carried over from the whole world.

C. Benefits of exports and imports

Here are the benefits of export and import activities

A. Can meet the needs of the community.

2. State revenues will increase due to foreign exchange.

3. Improve people's economy.

4. Encourage the development of industrial activities

conclusion: Importing is the process of transportation of goods or commodities from one country to another country legally, generally in the import process is generally the action perdagangan.Proses include goods or commodities from another country into the country. Imports of goods generally requires the intervention of the customs duty in sending and receiving countries. Imports are an important part of international trade, his opponent is an export

Modern Banking

Modern Banking

Modern Banking Systems was founded in 1975 and has established itself as a single-source provider for all your core data processing needs.  MBS is continuously researching new technology for the development of advanced software and hardware, ongoing maintenance services, network data communication installation and training, customer support services and IT security services. 
Partnership Philosophy
Our Partnership philosophy provides protection of your investment far beyond historical industry norms.  Upon completion of a detailed survey of your needs, a total solution is designed to meet your specific objectives.  This individually tailored solution with ongoing hardware and software support services provides a dynamic system to power your business into the future successfully!
Privacy Policy
IBE/MBS believes strongly in our Client’s confidentiality and information privacy.  These beliefs extend to the Client’s information and the Client’s Customer information.  IBE/MBS will not provide access to, or publish any Client or Client Customer data without the expressed written consent from the Client.  IBE/MBS recognizes the significance of our Client’s Regulations, such as Graham Leach Bliley Act and the Right to Privacy, and has instituted procedures to comply with the requirements.
Financing Alternatives
Modern Banking Systems offers three financing alternatives for your investment.  Rental, lease or purchase, or any combination of these, are available to best suit your needs.  The MBS “Rental Option” is unique in the industry in that it allows you to procure and finance your investment without capitalization of that investment!  You can rent all or a portion of the total core solution with one simple monthly payment!

Conclusion: the modern banking is more convenient and more people in the investment protection of your investment is much more secure.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

why finance ?

Why finance?

because finance is the beginning of the formation of a business or enterprise. money as well as to determine what activities the company's rapid berkrmbang or not. To start up begin business, a company needs funds to purchase essential assets, support research and development, and buy materials for production. Capital is also needed for salaries, credit extension to customers, advertising, insurance, and many other day-to-day operations. In addition, financing is essential for growth and expansion for a company. Because of competition In the market, capital needs to be invested in developing new product lines and production tecnigues and in acquiring assets forduct lines and production technigues and in acquiring assets for future expansion.
In financing business operations and expansion, a business uses both short-therm and long-term capital. A company, much like an individual, utilizes short-term capital to pay for items that last a relatively short period of time. An individual uses credit cards or charge accounts for items such as clothing or food, while a company seeks short-term financing for salaries and office expenses. On the other hand, an individual uses long-term capital such as a bank loan to pay for home or car goods that will lasy a long time. Similary, a company seeks long term financing to pay for new assets that are expected to last many years.
Why a company obtains capital from external sources, the financing can be either on a short-term or long-term arrangement. Generally, short-term financing must be repaid in less than one year, while long-term financing can be repaid over a longer period of time.
Finances involves the securing of funds for all phases of business operations. In obtaining and using this capital, the decisions made by managers affect the overall financial success of a company.

Conclusion: that it can be said that finance is a peg or a measure of how the development of a company.

the balance sheet

                Balance sheet or statement of financial position (English: the balance sheet or statement of financial position) is part of the financial statements of an entity that resulted in an accounting period that indicates the entity's financial position at the end of the period. Balance consists of three elements, namely assets, liabilities, and equity associated with the following accounting equation:

• assets = liabilities + equity

The information can be presented in the balance sheet include the position of the source of wealth and source of financing entities to acquire property such entity during an accounting period (quarterly, quarterly, or annually).
For the liquidity level of classified assets (easily cashed). Classification for assets:
a. Current assets (Current assets)
b. Fixed assets (fixed assets)
• Current assets

consists of all the assets of the easy money made in a relatively short period of time. Current assets generally consist of:
1. Cash: cash, money in bank, checks, money orders, and savings in the bank.
2. Notes Receivable (Not Receivable): letter of promise (promissory note) which comes from one's ability to pay on a certain date. Notes (promissory note) can be sold immediately for cash.
3. Accounts Receivable (Accounts Receivable): the bill to the customer either individuals or corporations as a result of corporate activities accounts generally have a fixed time period in accordance with the agreement.
4. Inventory (Merchandise Inventory): consists of merchandise that had been purchased for resale in the ordinary course of the company.
5. Supplies Stores (Store Sapplies): namely, all store fixtures such as wrapping paper, packing crates, cartons and so on.
6. Office Supplies (Office Supplies): consists of writing tools such as typewriter paper, stencil paper, pencils, envelopes, blank-blank letters, and so forth.
7. Expenses paid in advance (Prepaid expence): ie all the costs have been paid in advance, although not yet his time. Because these costs have been paid in advance, then we have a bill. Example: The lease payment.
• Fixed Assets (Fixed / Plant Assets)
consists of assets that are relatively fixed and have a turnover period of more than one year. Assets can be tangible or intangible. The existence of these fixed assets to run the activities of the company is not for sale. These include among others:
A. Office Equipment (Office Equipment): uaitu durable office equipment
such as: tables, chairs, filing cabinets, typewriters and other equipment.
2. Tool carrier (Delivery Equipment): means a company that used to transport goods such as trucks, carts, and so forth.
3. Warehouse (Building): building a company that is good for business premises such as shops or offices.
4. Machinery (Machinery): ie machines for memperoduksi goods such as printing machines, spinning machines, weaving, and so forth.
5. Tools (tools): the tools to run a company such as lock, clamp, jack, and so forth.
This is the group which include property account, the company grew, the more
many of the treasures either current assets or fixed assets.
Liabilities (liabilities) is a firm obligation to pay to third parties (creditors). Liabilities (liabilities) in accordance with a period or age is divided into:
1. Short-term debt (current liabilities)
2. Long-term debt (long term liabilities)

Short-term debt, the debt must be repaid no later than the age of one year of this debt. Which includes short-term debt include:
1. Notes Payable / Notes Payable: ie money orders that we have to pay to another party we ever gave her. Usually the age of the debt notes is 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days.
2. Accounts Payable (Accounts Payable): debts to suppliers (suppliers) that is within the framework of corporate debt, or debt due to unpaid purchase.
3. Costs to be paid: the costs that we have not been paying off in a particular accounting period.

For example, salary debts, debt and debt pay other expenses.
Long-term debt (long term liabilities), which includes all debt is debt for which payment is relatively long. Such as bond debt (bonds payable), mortgage debt (mortgage payable), and so forth.
The final component of liabilities is the capital (capital). Capital / capital obtained from the difference or value of more assets with liabilities. This value is the right of the owner of the company.

Technically, the order of preparation of the Balance Sheet are as follows:
1. Write the name of the company.
2. Write a report type, in this case the Balance Sheet.
3. Write the company's current financial situation was reported, for example, date, month and given year.
4. Presenting assets, liabilities and capital prepared in accordance with the provisions of, and accounting principles Indonesia.

Preparation of the Balance Sheet can be done in two ways:
1. Report form (Staffel)
2. Form Scontro

Sources taken from the compilation Balance Balance paper strip with the following conditions:
a. to list on the asset side debit balance.
b. obligation to balance the data in the lane next to the credits.
c. to capital is taken from the end of the statement of changes in the capital of capital.

Conclusion: The Balance Sheet is a report that contains the property (assets), liabilities or obligations on other parties (liebilities) and its capital (capital) of a company at any given moment.