Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Management and Human Resources Development

Management and Human Resources Development

HRM (Human Resource Management) is the science and art of labor relations and the role efficiently and effectively in order to reach a common goal, employees and communities.

 Various kinds of human resources:

Humans are distinguished from other natural resources because humans have a culture, reason, and reason that is not owned by the plants and animals. Although the highest degree, but in the ecosystem, humans interact with their environment, influencing and influenced by the environment that are included in one of the factors of interdependence. In contrast to other biological resources, the use of human resources divided by two, as follows:

    I. Humans as physical resources: The energy stored in human muscle can work in various fields, among others: the industrial sector, transportation, plantations, fisheries, forestry, and livestock
  II. Humans as a mental resource: the human ability to think is a natural resource which is very important, because thinking is the main foundation for the culture. As cultured human beings, capable of processing natural resources for the benefit of his life and be able to change the state of natural resources thanks to advances in science and technology. With reason and budinya, humans use natural resources with great wisdom. Therefore, humans are not seen simply as an energy source, but which is primarily as a source of creativity (mental resources) that is essential for the development of human culture.

 The development of human resources:

Human resources that exist within an organization needs development to an extent consistent with the development of the organization. If organizations want to develop should be followed by the development of human resources. Human resource development can be carried out through continuous education and training.
Education and training is an attempt to pengembangaan human resources, especially for the development of intellectual abilities and personality. Education is generally associated with preparing prospective workers employed by an organization, while the training is more associated with an increased ability or skills of workers who have occupied a particular position or task.

For education and training, the first step needs to be done needs assessment or needs analysis, which involves three aspects, namely:
A. Analysis of the organization, to answer the question: "How do organizations conduct training for employees",
2. Analysis of the work, with the question: "What should be taught or trained to be workers capable of performing his duties".
3. Personal analysis, emphasizing "Who needs what training and education". The third aspect of the analysis results can provide a level of ability or performance of personnel in the organization.
Utilization of labor resources and compensation:
Worker's compensation program is designed:
A. Able to attract employees who within the organization.
2. Motivate employees to achieve superior performance.
3. Which reaches a length of service
Functions, within the company there are two kinds of labor:
A. Executive power, make decisions and carry out the functions
organic management.
2. Operative labor, skilled labor, job control, so that tasks can be executed properly. There are three skilled labor:
-Skilled labor (skilled labor)
Semi-skilled workers (semi skilledlabor)
Unskilled-labor (unskilled labor)

Labour Relations:
       Labour relations in the Pancasila is the relationship between the elements - elements in the production of workers, employers and governments, which are based on values ​​- values ​​embodied in the Pancasila. Thus, the core of the pattern of labor relations Pancasila is that any labor dispute that occurred should be sought to be resolved through consultation and consensus.
If there is lack of agreement, the workers had a weapon that can be used:
a. Boycott
b. Strike
c. Incitement
d. Slowing the

Why the workers set up trade unions?
Workers or employees (Labor Union or Trade Union) is organisasipekerja formed to promote or express opinions, protect, and improve, through collective activities, the social, economic and political members.

 United at the moment:

Types of States Employees:
a. Craft Unions:
Staff members who have the same skills as a carpenter.
b. Industrial Unions:
Formed based on the location of the same work, the union is made up not skilled or skilled workers in a particular company or industry.
c. Mixed Unions:
Includes skilled workers, unskilled and skilled stengah of a particular local industry regardless of where.

Hukum2 regulating labor relations with the manager:
There are three collective bargaining agreements, namely:

a. Closed Shop Agreement
Applies only to workers who have joined a union member (union).
b. Union Shop Agreement
Mengaharuskan workers to become union members for a period of time terentu.
c. Open Shop Agreement
Gives the freedom of workers to be union members or not.

How the union was organized and passed:
That under Law No. 21 Year 2000 on trade union / labor union stipulated that "trade union / labor union is an organization formed of, by, and for the workers / laborers in both the company and outside the company, which is free, open, independent, democratic, and responsible to fight for, defend and protect the rights and interests of workers / laborers as well as improving the welfare of workers / laborers and their families ".
That under Law No. 21 of 2000, it can be described the elements of trade union / labor union is as follows:

    A trade union / labor union is an organization;
    A trade union / labor union formed of, by, and for the workers / laborers in both the company and outside the company;
    A trade union / labor union is free, open, independent, democratic, and responsible;
    A trade union / labor union formed to fight for, defend and protect the rights and interests of workers / laborers and improve the welfare of workers / laborers and their families.

Conclusion :
so the relationship between management and human resources of a very closely together, even that is intended to address the management of human resources, namely human resource management. Human resource management is a science or a way how to manage the relationship and the role of resources (labor) owned by individuals in an efficient and effective and can be used optimally in order to reach the goal (goal) with employers, employees and community based maksimal. Human resource management  on a concept that every employee is a man - not a machine - and not just a business resource.

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